#developer experience

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App Developer Magazine
5 days ago
Software development

Is NET MAUI the future of cross platform development| ScopeTrader

NET MAUI replaces Xamarin as the new cross-platform development framework, offering improved architecture and support for multiple platforms. [ more ]
6 days ago

Fullstack TypeScript on AWS: Amplify Gen 2 Now Generally Available

AWS Amplify Gen 2 offers a code-first developer experience for fullstack applications on AWS, supporting TypeScript and JavaScript developers. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 weeks ago

Understanding the latest Webkit features in Safari 17.4 - LogRocket Blog

Safari's slow feature update pace affects developer experience but important within Apple ecosystem. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 weeks ago

Exploring Remix Vite support and other v2.20 and v7 changes - LogRocket Blog

Remix has integrated Vite's fast build system for improved developer experience, offering features like Faster HMR and Quicker HDR. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Headless UI v2.0 for React - Tailwind CSS

Building real projects with your own tools is crucial for enhancing improvements and the developer experience. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

GitLab and Google Cloud Join Forces to Streamline Development and Enhance Security

GitLab announced integrations with Google Cloud to enhance developer experience and streamline workflows through pre-built components and infrastructure as code practices. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

How I'm Writing CSS in 2024

Stylesheets should load fast with small file sizes and proper caching headers.
Styling tools should help create a better user experience and maintainable CSS. [ more ]
6 months ago

Untyped Python: The Python That Was

Python typing has faced skepticism due to its complexity and interaction issues.
The conflict between the philosophy of Python and the concept of typing has been ongoing.
Using languages like Java was more conventional for web application projects in the past. [ more ]
6 months ago

How modern developers can use platform engineering to build and ship software - Amazic

The rise of Kubernetes has brought numerous benefits but also introduced complexity to the developer experience.
Creating a developer-centric experience is crucial for maintaining consistency and efficiency within an organization. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

10 Ways to Increase Productivity by Improving Your Developer Experience - DevOps.com

Choosing the right languages and frameworks can reduce development friction and enhance productivity.
Providing access to quality developer tools and resources improves the developer team experience. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
6 months ago
Software development

Runtime code review from AppMap enhances productivity| App Developer Magazine

AppMap has introduced a Runtime Code Review solution to enhance software quality and developer experience.
Runtime Code Review addresses runtime defects and helps find and fix issues prior to release.
AppMap's GitHub integration allows developers to access runtime code review in the pull request. [ more ]
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